Questionnaire Details

On-the-Job Program Questionnaire
Date:27/04/2018 13:57
Given Names:
Course Identifier:
Client Identifier:
VETtrak Student ID:
VETtrak Enrolment ID:
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
I am satisfied with progress through the course:
The course covers sufficient skills to carry out job tasks:
I have a good working relationship with my VETtrak Facilitator:
A regular course routine was established: Strongly Disagree
The course resource materials used are appropriate and useful:
Enough time is available to complete the requirements of the course:
I feel that there is enough support being provided from the workplace supervisor:
Enough course support is being provided from the Employer:
Enough support is being received from VETtrak:
Enough time is being provided to practice skills:
Opportunity is provided to recognise existing skills and knowledge:
Adequate information on the assessment process was provided at the start of the course:
Adequate information on the recognition process was provided at the start of the course:
If you have disagreed with any statement, please comment below.:
What was the most satisfying aspect of the program?:
Are your expectations of VETtrak satisfied? Do you feel you have received appropriate support and advice?:
Do you have any further comments that may help us improve the program?: